Welcome To The Richardson Wireless Klub

We promote Amateur (Ham) Radio to the public in Richardson TX and the surrounding North Texas area as a useful, life-long hobby. We also serve the Richardson TX community by providing self-supporting special event, severe weather and emergency communication networks and capabilities.

Our club is comprised of over 350 amateur radio operators in Richardson, North Dallas, the surrounding communities, around Texas and even out of state, with a wide range of radio and technology skills and interests. We provide our members with many opportunities to increase knowledge and enjoyment of amateur radio through fun, fellowship and unique learning experiences. Our members include hams ranging from teenagers to radio pioneers in their 80s! The Richardson Wireless Klub has been an ARRL affiliated club since 1957 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

  • How To Program Your DMR Radio For The Balloon Single Frequency Repeater
    One of the recurring payloads on the Richardson-area balloon flights is a DMR single-frequency repeater (SFR). This payload is very effective as a voice repeater, and very simple to access if you have a DMR radio. In various forms, we have been flying DMR repeaters for almost 10 years. Near apogee, the DMR repeater will cover most of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas, with some Kansas, Mississippi, and Missouri. After our Balloon is in the air, the DMR Single-Frequency Repeater will be active. Since DMR has two timeslots (T1 and T2), some DMR radios can “listen” on one slot and…
    Read more

Latest RWK General Meeting Announcement & Recording

  • General Meeting – March 2025 – Easy Digital Ops With DigiPi

    Please join RWK on Monday Mar 10th for our General Meeting. 

    We all know that digital operating modes have really transformed ham radio in the last few years, and now represent the majority of QSOs on the HF bands. But it can be a challenge to install and configure all the different pieces of software and interfaces that are required to make the various digital modes possible. Luckily someone has done all the hard work. Craig KM6LYW has created the DigiPi project. DigiPi is an easy-to-use amateur radio data transceiver hotspot for Raspberry Pi. All radio data modes are easily accessible over wifi via your phone or web browser. Make FT8, JS8Call, APRS and packet modes work like any other mobile phone app. Hookup a DigiPi to your rig and instantly have access to radio SMS, EMail, and texting. Ultra-light, low-power makes it indispensable for Summit and Park operations. Craig will show us how DigiPi can make digital modes easy and portable.

    In-person VE Testing begins at 5:30 and the RWK Social Hour begins at 6pm.  Please enjoy coffee and cookies and chat with other members!  If you have radio questions, please be sure and stop by our Radio Operating position – we’ll try to show you some new things and help you get answers.  At 7pm we will begin our main program. 

    As usual, the meeting will be In-Person and the main program will be simulcast on Zoom for those that do not want to attend in-person.  We will also have a recording available on the K5RWK.org website after the meeting is over.

    Please wear your RWK Nametag!  We have lots of members and everyone needs a little help in matching callsigns to smiling faces.  If you can’t find (or don’t have) your RWK nametag, we will have blank paper nametags and you can order a replacement for a nominal charge.  I’d like everyone to introduce themselves to at least two members that they haven’t previously met face-to-face!

    Meeting Location: St. Barnabas Church, 1220 West Belt Line Road, Richardson TX 75080.  Park in the rear parking lot and enter from the rear.  Click this for the map.

    We look forward to seeing you on Monday!

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    If you can’t come in person and want to attend on Zoom, you can use the following link:

    Topic: RWK Social Hour/General Meeting Zoom invitation

    Time: RWK Main Program starts at 7:00 PM

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 947 3774 0567
    Passcode: 081381

  • General Meeting – February 2025 – Solar Cycle 25 Update

    Please join RWK on Monday Feb 10th for our General Meeting. 

    If you haven’t been under a rock, you should know that we are approaching (or have just passed) the maximum of the current solar cycle (Cycle 25). Our old friend Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA will be back with an update to where we are with Cycle 25, how it has performed compared with predictions (Carl spoke to RWK in 2022), and what we can expect for the next year or so. There’s lots of good radio still to be had in Cycle 25, but you don’t want to miss any of it cause it will be worse in a few years!

    Meeting Recording

    Click the image to view the recording

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    Meeting Resources

    Here is Carl’s Presentation (pdf): https://files.k5rwk.net/s/gXLn5RJ883cKaWS

For all previous RWK Meetings, see the General Meetings page.

Check out the Presentation Archives. There are tons of presentations from Klub meetings over the years. Scan through them and you will be sure to find something interesting.

RWK Newsletter – The Chawed Rag

The RWK publishes a monthly on-line newsletter, The Chawed Rag“, for members and others interested in the Klub’s activities.

  • The Chawed Rag – April 2024
    Here’s The Chawed Rag for April 2024. We’ve got a huge solar storm, what’s to become of MFJ, more on the hackable Quansheng UV-K5(8) HT, RWK Newest Hangout, Tracking the Skies Overhead, an update from W5RLP, the usual upcoming events and news and so much more. Hope you enjoy! – KD4C
  • The Chawed Rag – March 2024
    Here’s The Chawed Rag for March 2024. We’ve got a potential Baofeng killer, FCC changes, upcoming hamfests, rebuilding the K5UTD antennas, spring antenna maintenance, the usual upcoming events and news and so much more. Hope you enjoy! – KD4C

Previous Chawed Rags can always be found here.

RWK Repeater Information

We operate 6 VHF/UHF repeaters in the North Texas Area.

147.12 (+0.6MHz, 110.9) FM Analog
Echo Test/Signal Report, Allstar Link, Google Asst.
145.43 (-0.6MHz, 110.9) FM Analog
K5UTD (Operated for UTD Amateur Radio Club)
440.375 (+5MHz) FM DMR Digital
DMR (linked with DMR-MARC)
443.375 (+5MHz, 110.9) FM + Multi-Mode Digital
Multi-Mode (FM, DMR, D-Star, M17, P25)
444.725 (+5MHz, DCS624 Analog) Fusion
Analog/Digital C4FM – WIRES-X 30372
927.025 (-25MHz, DPL532) NFM Analog
Allstar Link to STX/West Coast 927 Hub

–> More info on using our repeaters

Upcoming RWK Events

–> View our full Calendar

Read the latest Chawed Rag here

Join or Renew Your RWK Membership

It’s Quick and Easy and only $15/yr! You won’t find a friendlier bunch or a better value!

Follow RWK On Social Media

Join us on Discord – We have a very active and fun group.

Follow us on Facebook. (our Facebook group is currently stagnant – we really recommend Discord!)

Get Your RWK Merch


Be proud & fashionable! Get your Klub Apparel – Hats, Shirts, and coming soon shack accessories.

Support RWK:

We are members of Kroger Community Rewards, so if you shop at Kroger, we can get $! Here is how to sign up.

Get Your Ham Radio License!

RWK conducts Ham Radio License Testing weekly. Virtual (via Zoom) and In-person test sessions are available. Taking your Amateur Radio License Exam is quick, easy, and very low-stress, and in most cases you will have your license in less than 48 hours! Take your Ham Radio License Exam with the RWK VE Team.

Want to know how to study and prepare yourself for the Ham License Exam? Here’s info on our recommendations on how to study and pass your Ham Radio License Test.

Current Propagation and Solar Conditions

Contest Calendar

Ham Nation

Note: HamNation has moved to HRCC on YouTube. Ep 484 is the last on TWiT.


Latest ARRL News:

Join the ARRL, the national organization for Ham Radio