This month we have Howard Bernstein WB2UZE and Jim Crites W6JIM from the Long Island CW Club with “How to learn and have fun with Morse Code”. There has been a growing interest in CW from some of the club’s new members. If you’re a non-CW licensee, you’ll see how knowing and using CW can add another interesting aspect to ham radio. If you’re an old fart experienced CW licensee, hopefully you will get excited that there will be a new crop of hams that are interested in keeping the tradition alive. After the February Meeting, we will kick off the weekly LICW sessions and local RWK practice sessions, followed by some QSO Nights.
This will be the start of an organized program for the RWK members that want to learn CW. We’re going to partner with the Long Island CW Club (LICW) – they have a long history of knowing the best way to teach CW and hundreds of successful students – on learning the code. Then we’re going to have RWK practice sessions and “QSO nights” on the air to let the new CW students practice on the air in a low pressure, non-threatening environment. Hopefully, by summer we should have a new crop of CW ops to free up the FT-8 airways enjoy the uncrowded CW sub-bands!
For more details on how our RWK program is going to work (and to register with the LICW), please go to our special page on the RWK Website: