RWK held an actual live, in-person President’s Dinner on January 8, 2023! While that shouldn’t be big news, it has been three years since we were able to hold such an event (the last President’s Dinner was in 2020), primarily due to the pandemic. We had 82 members and guests, some good Italian food and desserts, good fellowship and eyeball QSOs, a recap of 2022 (a bit too long – sorry about that!), some humorous and serious awards, and 20 door prizes.
I was happy to recognize Dave Russell W2DMR has having traveled the longest distance to get to the dinner – a bit over 54 trillion miles (around the sun)! I got to provide special thanks to Logan Ki5NON and his father Travis KI5PGM for shepherding “Wheatley” throughout 2022 in support of our RWK Foxhunt program. I was proud to award Larry Pollis KI5UXC with RWK Elmer of the Year for 2022 (read more below), and I was glad to award Eric Robertson WW9K (formerly W5MWM) with the Golden Microphone as the “Voice of the RWK” for his presence on the 147.12 repeater. Eric is always quick to respond with a friendly greeting to anyone that pops up on our main repeater (which more of you should do!) and he is the embodiment of an active, involved RWK member, having participated in most all of our 2022 activities (cause you know that we keep attendance records!). We need more members like Eric!
Special thanks to Doug Kilgore KD5OUG (for wrangling Aboca’s), Shawn Prestridge KI5PXG (for his audio equipment and for providing tunes during the event), and the entire RWK Board and especially Josh Barfield N4NZ for collecting and dispatching our lot of door prizes to their new radio homes. We will have the full complement of pics uploaded to the website soon.