If you’ve ever wanted to dabble in modeling antennas (but were afraid to try), then don’t miss tomorrow night’s QRV. I’ll be talking about MMANA (Macoto Mori’s ANtenna Analyzer) which is a free, easy-to-use-once-you-understand-it software…and my goal for tomorrow night is to get you to a point where you can model antennas after watching the 30-45 minute session. I’ll be live-demonstrating how to model a 3-element Yagi that I use for foxhunting, and I’ll also show some models of popular antennas (including the Bob Hill Special!) that Jon NN5T was kind enough to provide to me.
If you can’t make the session tomorrow, we will have it posted on the K5RWK website shortly after the presentation – but as you probably know, it’s always easier to ask questions live with all the experts available. We look forward to seeing you then!
Meeting Recording

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Session Resources
Here’s the link to download MMANA:
The download of the “basic” version (free for ham radio use) is a little down the page. There is also quite a bit of help and tutorial information. This is an easy-to-use antenna modeler that everyone can use and should be able to learn.
Here is a good (albeit a bit long-winded) tutorial on modeling a dipole with the software if you want to get a jump start:
Here is Callum’s complete playlist of antenna modelling with MMANA:
Here are some pre-defined models for MMANA (you can download and modify):