If there’s any subject that confuses hams, it’s likely to be grounding. It’s often discussed and often confusing. That’s because there are really at least three different types of grounding, and they are all different and require different solutions.
A full treatise on grounding could last days and require several textbooks, so this won’t be a complete treatment. But we will hopefully get you thinking about the different grounding needs and simple steps that you can take to improve your station.
If you can’t make the session tomorrow, we will have it posted on the K5RWK website shortly after the presentation – but as you probably know, it’s always easier to ask questions live with all the experts available. We look forward to seeing you then!
Meeting Details
Topic: QRV Tech
Time: Third Tuesday 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 934 6754 1992
Passcode: 307016
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