General Meeting – March 2025 – Easy Digital Ops With DigiPi

Please join RWK on Monday Mar 10th for our General Meeting. 

We all know that digital operating modes have really transformed ham radio in the last few years, and now represent the majority of QSOs on the HF bands. But it can be a challenge to install and configure all the different pieces of software and interfaces that are required to make the various digital modes possible. Luckily someone has done all the hard work. Craig KM6LYW has created the DigiPi project. DigiPi is an easy-to-use amateur radio data transceiver hotspot for Raspberry Pi. All radio data modes are easily accessible over wifi via your phone or web browser. Make FT8, JS8Call, APRS and packet modes work like any other mobile phone app. Hookup a DigiPi to your rig and instantly have access to radio SMS, EMail, and texting. Ultra-light, low-power makes it indispensable for Summit and Park operations. Craig will show us how DigiPi can make digital modes easy and portable.

In-person VE Testing begins at 5:30 and the RWK Social Hour begins at 6pm.  Please enjoy coffee and cookies and chat with other members!  If you have radio questions, please be sure and stop by our Radio Operating position – we’ll try to show you some new things and help you get answers.  At 7pm we will begin our main program. 

As usual, the meeting will be In-Person and the main program will be simulcast on Zoom for those that do not want to attend in-person.  We will also have a recording available on the website after the meeting is over.

Please wear your RWK Nametag!  We have lots of members and everyone needs a little help in matching callsigns to smiling faces.  If you can’t find (or don’t have) your RWK nametag, we will have blank paper nametags and you can order a replacement for a nominal charge.  I’d like everyone to introduce themselves to at least two members that they haven’t previously met face-to-face!

Meeting Location: St. Barnabas Church, 1220 West Belt Line Road, Richardson TX 75080.  Park in the rear parking lot and enter from the rear.  Click this for the map.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday!

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If you can’t come in person and want to attend on Zoom, you can use the following link:

Topic: RWK Social Hour/General Meeting Zoom invitation

Time: RWK Main Program starts at 7:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 947 3774 0567
Passcode: 081381