QRV Tech – March 2025 – Build & Configure a DigiPi

For the RWK March 2025 General Meeting, we had Craig KM6LYW on to show off his DigiPi software, which combines most Ham Radio digital modes into a single, compact, easy-to-use, Raspberry Pi-based solution. For QRV Tech this month, we thought that we would show you how easy it is to actually build and get one of these on the air.

If you would like to play along with us in real time, you will need the following:
– A Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (available from MicroCenter)
– A MicroSD card (anything over 8GB is fine). You can use the cheap MicroCenter SD cards to test but you’ll probably want a better SD card for permanent use
– A MicroUSB Raspberry Pi power supply (probably a wall wart for the build process – you can figure out how to power it from a battery later)
– A MicroUSB to USB adapter (if you have a radio that has a built-in USB interface) or something like a DigiRig adapter (if your radio has no built-in Audio)
– A WiFi enabled computer or tablet that you can use to connect to and use the DigiPi
– You will also need a computer that can write to a MicroSD card to load the DigiPi software (most laptops have built-in SD card slots)
– If you want the (optional) Raspberry Pi 1.3” Display, you can get it from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F9VD2GZ

All of this should be available at MicroCenter (except for the DigiRig).

We will provide the DigiPi image to you for download during the QRV Tech session. Craig KM6LYW has agreed to let us bypass his normal Patreon process.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday for the March 2025 QRV Tech!

Meeting Details

Topic: QRV Tech

Time: Third Tuesday 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 934 6754 1992

Passcode: 307016

Meeting Recording

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Session Resources

If you want to read ahead, here’s a youtube of the install process from M0FXB: