General Meeting – November 2020 – Annual “Show & Tell” Night

Following recent tradition, November’s meeting will be our annual “Show & Tell” night.  Presenters will take 5 to 10 minutes each to share more about a recent project or one of their areas of interest.  This is a fun and fascinating meeting every time we hold it – and this year promises to be no different!

Click the image to view the recording of the General Meeting

View the recording of the November General Meeting

We had Show & Tell Presentations of the following subjects:

  • Dick K6RAH showed the benefits of using
  • Al KI5CAD showed his mobile mounting for his VHF radio
  • Chip KD4C showed his collection of Kenwood LMR radios for VHF/UHF ham usage
  • Bob KG5WRY showed his collection of Foxhunt gear

Since RWK monthly general meetings are open to all, please feel free to invite anyone you think might be interested in experiencing one of our meetings.