CQ WW DX Contest – RTTY

Event Details

This event finished on 27 September 2024

Held each year on the last full weekend of September, the contest draws over 15,000 participants and over 3,600 log submittals from around the world.


Rule Differences from CQWW SSB/CW Contest

Identical wording is used for both the RTTY and CW/SSB rules where the intent is the same. However, there are some key differences for the RTTY:

  • No 1.8 MHz operation
  • Multi-Single: 8-band-changes per clock hour, rather than a 10-minute rule
  • Contact points: Different-country contacts within any continent (not just North America) get 2 points
    –  Same-country contacts get 1 point
  • Third multiplier for QSOs with US/VE stations

Future Contest Dates

CQ WW RTTY is always the last full weekend of September.

2023:   September 23 – 24
2024:   September 28 – 29
2025:   September 27 – 28

“RTTY only on 80 ~ 10 meter, great way to refine the TTY operation skill.  Fall DX condition normally starts around this contest..”