Held each year on the last full weekend of September, the contest draws over 15,000 participants and over 3,600 log submittals from around the world.
Rule Differences from CQWW SSB/CW Contest
Identical wording is used for both the RTTY and CW/SSB rules where the intent is the same. However, there are some key differences for the RTTY:
- No 1.8 MHz operation
- Multi-Single: 8-band-changes per clock hour, rather than a 10-minute rule
- Contact points: Different-country contacts within any continent (not just North America) get 2 points
– Same-country contacts get 1 point - Third multiplier for QSOs with US/VE stations
Future Contest Dates
CQ WW RTTY is always the last full weekend of September.
2023: September 23 – 24
2024: September 28 – 29
2025: September 27 – 28
“RTTY only on 80 ~ 10 meter, great way to refine the TTY operation skill. Fall DX condition normally starts around this contest..”