RWK has had a lot of interest in Parks on the Air (POTA) operations, activations, and “how to”. The Parks on the Air program has been very popular within ham radio, responsible for some 6 Million QSOs in 2021. There are lots of reason to get out of the house and operate outside! In addition to having fun, you can earn operating awards for “activating” (operating within) and “hunting” (communicating with) designated parks.
We have a wealth of people and information that you can use to create your own setup and get on the air from your favorite POTA park. There are some specific needs for a POTA station, but with a little guidance you should be able to put together a very effective station and join this popular ham radio movement.
How To Create a POTA Station

You can use most any portable radio you want for POTA operation, although many people prefer lightweight or ultra-portable radios. Radios that have relatively low power consumption are a bonus. You can operate QRP (less than 20 watts) but you will need a very good antenna. Several of the modern 100 watt transceivers from the major manufacturers are also good choices if you’re not hiking in. Really, you can use about anything that you can carry.
You will also need a source of power for your radio such as a battery box, preferably with lightweight LiFePO4 battery(s). Many people choose to build/put together a container that has the radio, battery, and all the components (microphone, cables, etc.) for ease of transport.
POTA operators use all kinds of antennas, depending on their specific situation. We have had great experience with a simple telescoping vertical antenna that is both compact, cheap, and effective (The “Bob Hill Special”). There are simple ways to expand it to cover 40 meters. You can also use simple “ham stick” based antennas or simple wire antennas. Park rules vary about whether you are permitted to “stick things in the ground and in trees” so check your park’s rules before you go.
POTA Operating
If this is your first time, You will need to create an account on the POTA website and complete your profile. You must choose an officially-recognized POTA park – there are thousands to choose from – but they are all State and National parks (no local City Parks are recognized). Once you are set up in the park, create a “spot” on the POTA website with the park number that you are at to let everyone know what frequency and mode that you are operating. Then just call “CQ POTA” and watch the contacts roll in! Make sure that you keep your spot up to date if you change freqs or modes.
Many people use a simple pad and pen/pencil to log their contacts, and then type them into the POTA site later. You can also use a small PC or phone/tablet. People that want to log electronically, like HAMRS (computer or phone app) for POTA logging (if you have cell service in the park). You will need to upload your contacts to the POTA website to receive POTA activation credit (and to reward the hunters).
POTA Hunting
Even if you never go to a park, you can still get in on the POTA fun as a “hunter”. All you have to do is work POTA stations when they are on the air (go to the POTA website and look at the current spots). If you have created an account on the POTA website, you will receive credit (no log submissions are required for hunters) and you can watch the awards accumulate!
Other Relevant RWK Posts
We have lots of content related to POTA activities or projects that is shown below. There’s a wealth of knowledge to aid your POTA operations.
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Feb 15thUPDATE: Cancelled! Well, we had hoped that the weather gods would be smiling on us when we planned the RWK POTA outing for tomorrow, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. There’s the possibility of overnight rain to add to the already soggy ground and the temps and cloud cover don’t recover until mid…
Read more - RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Oct 19thAfter a long summer, plans are coming together for another RWK Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) outing to the Spring Creek Forest State Preserve in Garland. Spring Creek Forest Preserve US-4423 is the closest POTA-eligible location to Richardson (and only about 10 minutes east of here). Our RWK POTA events have been fairly popular, and we’re planning another…
Read more - General Meeting – May 2024 – My QRP ObsessionPlease join RWK on Monday May 13th for our General Meeting. Our May RWK Meeting will be on “My QRP Obsession” with our own Kevin Grantham N5KRG. Kevin will talk about how he got into QRP operating with a discussion of the six (6!) QRP rigs he owns. He will also share operating tips to…
Read more - QRV Tech – April 2024 – Get Ready For POTAOur April 2024 QRV Tech program will be a discussion of what you need to know and do for your first POTA (Parks on the Air) outing. Let’s get prepared for this weekend’s RWK POTA outing at Spring Creek Forest Preserve. What to bring, how to set up, how to operate, deconfliction with other stations,…
Read more - Cancelled: RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming April 20thUPDATE: CANCELLED 🙂 The POTA Weather gods are not smiling on us. After hoping all week that the weather forecast would slide to the right, unfortunately it has not happened. There is a 70+% chance of widespread rain from early morning through the rest of the day, so it doesn’t look good for a POTA…
Read more - Youth-on-the-Air Round 1 – POTA EventWe had a fun park outing on March 10 working the Youth On The Air (YOTA) Contest Round 1 from our POTA Park (Spring Creek Forest Preserve K-4423 in Garland just east of Richardson). Joe N1JOE, Ron K5SUS, Logan N9QZ, Alice KI1TEN, and Reese KJ5COP made over 100 QSOs in just a bit over 3…
Read more - Youth-on-the-Air Round 1 – Sun Mar 10 POTA EventRWK Youth Members get ready to dive into the excitement of the 2024 YOTA Contest! We’re thrilled to announce that our youth members will be taking part in the inaugural round. Join us as we gather at Park K-4423 to kick off this thrilling event. Expect a blast of fun with this stationary activity –…
Read more - QRV Tech – October 2023 – Navigating and Logging POTAOur October QRV Tech program will be on navigating the POTA website and logging POTA contacts. To continue our month focus on Logging and QSLing, Shawn is going to show the specific things that are needed for a POTA operation. Signing into and getting around on the POTA website, and logging while operating POTA and…
Read more - RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Oct 21stAfter a way-too-hot summer, plans are coming together for another Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) outing to the Spring Creek Forest State Preserve in Garland. Texas State Park K-4423 is the closest POTA-eligible location to Richardson (and only about 10 minutes east of here). Our RWK POTA events have been fairly popular, and we’re planning another one for…
Read more - Activating Las Vegas K-4443By Josh Barfield N4NZ Last month I attended a conference in Las Vegas, which gave me the opportunity to activate POTA park K-4443. The Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort State Park is about 3.16 acres and sits roughly 3 miles North of the strip. The Fort is one of the first structures in the area…
Read more - RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Sept 23rdAfter a way-too-hot summer, plans are coming together for another Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) outing to the Spring Creek Forest State Preserve in Garland. Texas State Park K-4423 is the closest POTA-eligible location to Richardson (and only about 10 minutes east of here). Our RWK POTA events have been fairly popular, and we’re planning another one for…
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Read more - Activating Mother Neff State ParkBy John DiFilippo AF5MN I really enjoyed the RWK Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) group activity a couple of months ago when we activated the Spring Creek Forest Preserve in Garland. Seeing everyone’s go-kits and set-ups that day inspired me to try my hand at activating some parks on my own. So I decided to operate from Mother…
Read more - How To Sync Your PC Time For POTA Operation of WSJT-Xby Chip Coker KD4C We’ve all seen how easy it is to set up and operate out in the field using the low cost quick deploy portable antenna and using battery power and portable radios. But that only gets you SSB and CW. What if the bands aren’t great and you want to work FT-8?…
Read more - The Chawed Rag – April 2023Here’s The Chawed Rag for April 2023. We’ve got Earth and Space Weather, a foxhunt milestone, 6 Meters, HamClock, a new RWK learning series, expanding your POTA antenna to 40M, time sync for portable FT-8, group foxhunt fun, and so much more. Hope you enjoy! – KD4C
- Add 40M to your Cheap POTA Verticalby Bob Hill KG5WRY In a previous article I wrote about a low cost quick deploy portable antenna (in the February 2023 Chawed Rag). I described building the telescoping 16.5 foot vertical antenna and the ground spike mount (which has come to be known as the “Bob Hill Special” – ed). The antenna works great…
Read more - RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing for Techs Coming March 18thPlans are coming together for another Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) outing to the Spring Creek Forest State Preserve in Garland. Texas State Park K-4423 is the closest POTA-eligible location to Richardson (and only about 10 minutes east of here). Our RWK POTA events have been fairly popular, and recently someone suggested that we have a POTA event…
Read more - A Low Cost Quick Deploy Portable Antenna for POTA or BackyardBy Bob Hill KG5WRY After watching the video, “Lowest Cost Antenna Ground Spike You Will Find”, (featured in the January 2023 Chawed Rag), I decided to try this antenna build. I purchased a MFJ-1979 17 foot telescoping antenna from DX Engineering, a CB Radio Antenna Mirror Mount and a right-angle UHF adapter from Amazon, and…
Read more - The Chawed Rag – September 2022Here’s The Chawed Rag for September 2022. We’ve got POTA pics, repeater maintenance, a $1000 shack challenge, a $70 SDR kit, siren test monitoring, upcoming events, and so much more. Hope you enjoy! – KD4C
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming September 17thPlans are coming together for our Parks-On-The-Air (POTA) outing to the Spring Creek Forest State Preserve in Garland. Texas State Park K-4423 is the closest POTA-eligible location to Richardson (and only about 10 minutes east of here). This is a prime opportunity for you to learn how a POTA activation is conducted (or to just…
Read more

Closest POTA Location
There are a few recognized POTA locations within a short driving distance (30 min) from Richardson. We are lucky that we have the Spring Creek Forest Preserve (K-4423) within 6 miles of Richardson. It’s a great spot for POTA activations, and it’s easily accessible.

Directions to 6110 N. Shiloh Road: From Arapaho, proceed east until you reach Shiloh Rd. (approx 6 miles from Richardson City Hall). Turn left on Shiloh and go north approx 1/4 mile. Park entrance is on the right just after the bridge and just before the apartment complex. From Campbell, go east to Shiloh and turn right, but you will have to make a U-turn cause there is no median access to the park entrance.
Helpful Intro POTA Video
Mike K8MRD has an intro video that describes how to get started working POTA.
Upcoming Events
- RWK Hungry Hams Lunch on March 26, 2025 12:00 pm
- NWS Fort Worth SKYWARN Virtual on March 26, 2025 7:00 pm
- Ham License Testing – Remote on March 27, 2025 6:00 pm
- Online Ham Lunch Bunch on March 28, 2025 12:00 pm
- Weekend Foxhunt on March 29, 2025 9:00 am
Past Posts
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Feb 15th
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Oct 19th
- General Meeting – May 2024 – My QRP Obsession
- QRV Tech – April 2024 – Get Ready For POTA
- Cancelled: RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming April 20th
- Youth-on-the-Air Round 1 – POTA Event
- Youth-on-the-Air Round 1 – Sun Mar 10 POTA Event
- QRV Tech – October 2023 – Navigating and Logging POTA
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Oct 21st
- Activating Las Vegas K-4443
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming Sept 23rd
- My First DXpedition Experience to The Turks & Caicos
- Activating Mother Neff State Park
- How To Sync Your PC Time For POTA Operation of WSJT-X
- The Chawed Rag – April 2023
- Add 40M to your Cheap POTA Vertical
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing for Techs Coming March 18th
- A Low Cost Quick Deploy Portable Antenna for POTA or Backyard
- The Chawed Rag – September 2022
- RWK Parks-On-The-Air Outing Coming September 17th
- General Meeting – December 2021 – Parks on the Air