The Richardson Wireless Club operates several repeaters in Richardson on 2m/70cm/33cm. These repeaters are open for use by any licensed amateur radio operator.
Frequency | Callsign | PL Tone | Offset | Format, Features and Notes |
147.120 | K5RWK | 110.9 | +0.6 MHz | FM Analog Echo Test/Signal Report, AllstarLink, Google Assistant |
145.430 | K5UTD | 110.9 | -0.6 MHz | FM Analog, Echo Test AllstarLink (Operated on behalf of K5UTD Amateur Radio Club) |
440.375 | K5RWK | +5 MHz | DMR (DMR-MARC CBridge) See below for available Talk Groups | |
443.375 | K5RWK | 110.9 | +5 MHz | FM Analog, AllstarLink Digital Multi-Mode (DMR, D-Star, M17) See below for more info |
444.725 | K5RWK | DCS624 | +5 MHz | Fusion (C4FM Digital) WIRES-X – See below for more info |
927.025 | K5RWK | DPL532 | -25 MHz | NFM Analog AllstarLink to STX/CTX/West Coast 927 Hub |
Analog Repeater Information
See below for specifics on how to program and use our analog FM repeaters. We’ve complied a handy Frequency Plan that can easily be imported into Chirp – it contains the RWK Analog Repeaters as well as others in the North Texas area.
147.12 Repeater Features
Talking on a repeater can be a lot of fun. In addition to regular voice communications, there are a few extra features that our 147.12 VHF repeater provides.
Echo Test / Parrot
The K5RWK VHF repeater has an echo test mode that can be enabled using DTMF tones. To use this functionality:
- Key up, send DTMF tones * 5 1 1 (star-5-1-1) and release the PTT button
- Wait for the repeater to play a the normal confirm tones followed by a flat “voicemail” beep tone
- Quickly key up and talk for a few (<10) seconds.
- Release your PTT
- The repeater will then give a S report and then replay your voice
Extended Signal Report Parrot
For an extended signal report, use * 5 1 2 (star-5-1-2) and the repeater will report:
- signal strength in dBm and corresponding S reading
- Noise floor at the repeater site in dBm and corresponding S reading
- signal to noise ratio of your signal in dBm
- then will replay your voice.
An example of the *512 feature is show here:
ARRL Audio News
The weekly ARRL Audio News broadcast is played every Friday evening at 7pm and again at 9pm. This short informative newscast contains the week’s latest Amateur Radio news stories.
Live Broadcastify Feed
You can listen to a live feed of the K5RWK 147.12 repeater output here:
Analog Repeater Features
Allstar Link
Our Allstar Link repeaters can be linked to other Allstar systems around the world. Allstar connections to these repeaters should come through our Allstar hub, 47841. This hub connects K5RWK VHF primary and backup repeater sites. When connecting to our repeaters through Allstar, please use this hub address instead of the individual node addresses.
Google Assistant
Find yourself somewhere in North DFW with no way to quickly find out the distance between the Earth and the Moon, but have an FM VHF radio handy? Never fear, there is a Google Assistant listening. Call in on the 147.12 VHF repeater asking “OK Google…” and Google just might answer.
Digital Repeater Information
See below for specifics on how to use our Multi-Mode, DMR and Fusion digital repeaters.
Multi-Mode – 443.375 MHz
We have a Multi-Mode Analog and Digital Repeater that works with the following modes: Analog FM, D-Star (K5RWK B), DMR (linked to Brandmeister Talk Groups). Other modes still under test are M17, P25, and NXDN. The Digital Voice Dashboard will track all digital modes (but not analog FM). To learn more: K5RWK’s New UHF Multi-Mode Repeater
DMR – 440.375 MHz
Our DMR-MARC Repeater is located on the TAGER Tower on the UTD Campus and has great wide-area coverage. Use the following to access our DMR-MARC Repeater:
Color Code Access: CC1
Time Slot 1 (TS1) Talk Groups: | Time Slot 2 (TS2) Talk Groups: |
Texas Statewide – TG3148 North America – TG3 (15min PTT) Worldwide English – TG13 (15min PTT) AMSAT – TG98006 (15min PTT) | Local – TG9 North Texas Wide – TG8205 |
The “15min PTT” means that you need to kerchunk the repeater to link it to this talkgroup. This tells the C-Bridge that someone is listening to this talkgroup, and the C-Bridge will then route it to the repeater.
The “Local” talkgroup, TG9, is not routed through the CBridge. TG9 on TS2 is a preferred way for locals to talk on a given repeater and not have it routed to other repeaters. We would highly suggest you program this in your radio, as some features may be added to link it to the 147.12 repeater when the net mode is active (this will come at a later date).
You can monitor the callwatch on the CBridge here – it’s a great way to see if your DMR signal is being received.
At this time, our DMR-MARC Repeater is not linkable from Brandmeister or TGIF (other DMR networks).
If you are looking for a starter codeplug (config file for a DMR radio) please visit the RWK DMR Codeplug Archive – we have starter codeplugs for several popular DMR radios that include the K5RWK DMR repeater and many of the repeaters in the DFW metroplex . This is a good starting point for you to build your own codeplug. You can also check the codeplugs.
Fusion / WIRES-X – 444.725 MHz
Our Yaesu Fusion C4FM UHF repeater allows you to communicate with other Fusion-equipped hams in the local area. It is also linked to the WIRES-X network. The node number is 40372. Our WIRES-X connectivity allows an operator to link to any other WIRES-X node or room through the internet. This allows you with your HT or mobile station to communicate with people in other cities, states or indeed other countries. Our WIRES-X node is connected by default to Texas–Nexus, which is a wide variety of repeaters around the state, that gets visitors from all around the world.
So long as the repeater is not in use, feel free to link it to other nodes or rooms, make contacts in other countries. The room list is available here. It will return to its default configuration after a period of inactivity. Or, feel free to join us through WIRES-X, room 30372.
K5UTD Repeater Systems
The RWK has assumed ownership and operation of the K5UTD repeater on behalf of the K5UTD University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Amateur Radio Club. This will provide the UTD Amateur Radio Club a more stable repeater and allow them to better provide for their membership and continue to serve the community. We at the RWK are proud to be able to help support the K5UTD Amateur Radio Club.
The UTD Repeater is located on the TAGER Tower on the UTD campus (the highest land point in North Dallas!) and with the 250′ tower (pic at right), it has quite a coverage area.